Sunday, June 9, 2024

Fengshui Info And Tips

For north west direction, what are the things to avoid?

 In Feng Shui, each direction is associated with specific elements and energies, and the northwest direction is particularly significant. 

The northwest is governed by the Metal element and is linked to the patriarch of the family or male figures and benefactors in one’s life. To maintain positive energy and harmony in this area, there are certain things you should avoid:

  1. Kitchen: Having a kitchen in the northwest direction is considered inauspicious. The kitchen represents the Fire element, which is in conflict with the Metal element of the northwest. This conflict can lead to disharmony, especially affecting the male members of the household.

  2. Bathrooms and Toilets: Placing a bathroom or toilet in the northwest can lead to draining away the beneficial energy and support from mentors and influential people. It can also negatively impact the patriarch's health and career.

  3. Red and Fiery Colors: Since red represents the Fire element, avoid using red or other fiery colors in the northwest area. Instead, use colors that represent the Metal element, such as white, silver, and grey.

  4. Fire Elements and Items: Avoid placing objects that symbolize the Fire element, such as candles, fireplaces, or images depicting fire. These can create elemental clashes and disrupt the harmony in this area.

  5. Clutter and Dirt: Like in any Feng Shui practice, clutter and dirt can block the flow of positive energy. Ensure the northwest area is clean, tidy, and free from unnecessary items.

  6. Wood Element: While not as conflicting as Fire, the Wood element can still weaken the Metal energy. Avoid excessive use of green or wooden items and furniture in this direction.

Instead, to enhance the positive energy in the northwest:

  • Incorporate Metal element items like metal sculptures, wind chimes, or objects made from brass, copper, or silver.
  • Use colors like white, grey, and metallic tones.
  • Display symbols of benefactors or mentors, such as images or statues of influential people or deities associated with guidance and support.
  • Ensure this area is well-lit and kept in good condition to promote positive energy flow.

Where is the best position to place a clock?

In Feng Shui, the placement of a clock is important because it can influence the flow of energy in your home. Here are some guidelines for the best positions to place a clock:
  1. Living Room:

    • East, Southeast, or North Walls: Placing a clock on the east, southeast, or north walls is considered auspicious as these directions are associated with health, wealth, and career, respectively.
    • Avoid Facing the Main Door: A clock facing the main door can create a sense of rushing time and may lead to stress.
  2. Bedroom:

    • Away from the Bed: Avoid placing a clock directly opposite or above the bed, as this can create restlessness and disturb sleep.
    • Side Tables: Placing a small clock on a side table can be fine as long as it's not too close to your head.
  3. Kitchen:

    • East or Southeast: The kitchen is often associated with nourishment and family prosperity, so placing a clock on the east or southeast wall is beneficial.
    • Avoid Above the Stove: Placing a clock above the stove can create a sense of urgency while cooking, which is not ideal.
  4. Office:

    • North or Northeast: These directions are associated with career growth and intellectual pursuits, making them suitable for a clock in the office.
    • Avoid Direct Eye Line: The clock should not be directly in your line of sight while working to prevent distraction and stress.
  5. Hallway:

    • Prominent but Not Overbearing: A clock in the hallway can help keep track of time as you move through your home. Place it in a location that's easily visible but not overwhelming.

General Tips:

  • Avoid Clocks in the South: 
  • The south direction is associated with fame and reputation in Feng Shui, and placing a clock here may symbolize rushing through life or feeling pressured to meet expectations.
  • Clock Size and Style: The size and style of the clock should harmonize with the room's decor. Large, loud clocks can create a sense of urgency, while smaller, quieter clocks can promote calmness.
  • Functionality: Ensure the clock is in good working condition. A stopped or malfunctioning clock can symbolize stagnation or delays in your life.

By following these guidelines, you can place your clock in a position that promotes positive energy flow and supports the well-being of everyone in the home.

Where is the best position for crystals?

In Feng Shui, crystals are used to enhance positive energy, balance areas of your home, and attract specific types of beneficial energy. Here are some general guidelines for placing crystals in various parts of your home:

  1. Living Room:

    • Center of the Room: Place a crystal cluster or a large crystal in the center of the living room to enhance harmony and positive energy.
    • On Coffee Tables or Shelves: Smaller crystals can be placed on coffee tables or shelves to bring tranquility and good vibes to the space.
  2. Bedroom:

    • Bedside Table: Place calming crystals like amethyst or rose quartz on your bedside table to promote restful sleep and emotional healing.
    • Under the Pillow: Tucking a small crystal like a clear quartz or amethyst under your pillow can aid in relaxation and restful sleep.
  3. Kitchen:

    • Windowsill: Placing crystals like citrine or carnelian on the windowsill can enhance energy and vitality in the kitchen, the heart of nourishment.
    • Near Food Preparation Areas: Crystals like green aventurine can promote health and wellbeing.
  4. Bathroom:

    • Near the Bathtub: Placing calming crystals like rose quartz or jade near the bathtub can create a soothing and relaxing environment.
    • On Shelves: Display crystals like clear quartz to purify and uplift the energy in the bathroom.
  5. Office:

    • Desk: Place crystals like clear quartz, citrine, or tiger’s eye on your desk to enhance focus, creativity, and abundance.
    • Near Electronics: Use black tourmaline or shungite near electronics to protect against electromagnetic radiation.
  6. Entryway:

    • Near the Door: Place protective crystals like black tourmaline or obsidian near the entryway to guard against negative energy entering the home.
  7. Wealth Area:

    • Southeast Corner: In Feng Shui, the southeast corner of your home or any room is associated with wealth and abundance. Placing crystals like citrine, pyrite, or jade in this area can attract prosperity.
  8. Love and Relationships Area:

    • Southwest Corner: The southwest corner is associated with love and relationships. Place rose quartz or garnet here to enhance love and harmony in relationships.

Specific Crystals and Their Ideal Placements:

  • Clear Quartz: Versatile and amplifies energy. Place it in any area where you need clarity and focus.
  • Amethyst: Promotes calmness and spiritual growth. Ideal for bedrooms and meditation spaces.
  • Rose Quartz: Encourages love and emotional healing. Best in bedrooms and relationship areas.
  • Citrine: Attracts wealth and success. Place in the wealth area or near your workspace.
  • Black Tourmaline: Provides protection and grounding. Good near entryways and electronic devices.

By strategically placing crystals throughout your home, you can enhance the energy flow and create a balanced, harmonious environment.

Where is the best position to place a water fountain?

In Feng Shui, water fountains are powerful tools for attracting positive energy, wealth, and harmony. The placement of a water fountain is crucial to harness its benefits effectively. Here are some guidelines for the best positions to place a water fountain in your home or office:

General Placement Tips:

  1. Direction of Water Flow: Ensure the water flows towards the interior of your home or room, symbolizing wealth and opportunities flowing into your life rather than away from it.
  2. Avoid Bedrooms: Water features in bedrooms can create excessive Yang energy, which may disturb sleep and cause restlessness.
  3. Keep It Clean: Regularly clean and maintain the water fountain to keep the energy fresh and positive.

Best Positions for Water Fountains:

  1. East: The east sector is associated with health and family. Placing a water fountain here can promote good health and harmonious family relationships.
  2. Southeast: This area is connected to wealth and abundance. A water fountain in the southeast can attract prosperity and financial growth.
  3. North: The north sector is linked to career and path in life. A water fountain in this area can enhance career opportunities and professional growth.

Specific Areas and Rooms:

  1. Living Room:

    • East or Southeast Corners: Enhances health, family harmony, and wealth. Ensure the water flows towards the center of the home.
    • Near the Entrance (Inside): Placing a fountain near the entrance, but inside the home, can welcome positive energy and opportunities. Ensure the water flows into the home.
  2. Office:

    • North Sector: Boosts career and business opportunities. Place the fountain where you can see it from your workspace to remind you of your goals and ambitions.
  3. Garden or Yard:

    • Near the Entrance (Outside): A fountain near the main entrance, but outside the home, can attract positive energy. Ensure it is not directly in line with the door but rather to the side.
  4. Wealth Corner:

    • Southeast of the Main Living Area: Enhances financial growth. You can also place crystals or coins near the fountain to amplify its effect.

Avoid These Placements:

  • Bedrooms: Water elements in the bedroom can disrupt sleep and create unnecessary emotional disturbances.
  • Bathrooms: Placing a fountain here can lead to wasted wealth and resources.
  • Kitchens: The kitchen already contains water elements, and adding a fountain can create an imbalance.

By strategically placing your water fountain according to these Feng Shui principles, you can optimize the flow of positive energy, enhance prosperity, and create a harmonious environment in your home or office.

【风水财位】如何找出明财位?如何增强你的财位?10分钟告诉你!【风水】【永伟】【Art of Fengshui】

Wealth position!

[大门风水] 买屋子前一定要看 教你避开大凶格局 !【风水】【永伟】【Art of Fengshui】

搬新家要做什么?告诉你入宅仪式和必备物品 【风水】【永伟】【Art of Fengshui】

Moving house!

Fengshui Useful

That is a powerful floor of the same elements or support your year of birth. The main use of the five elements:

Rat should be at floor 1, 6, 4, 9
Ox should be at floor 2, 7, 5, 10
Tiger should be at floor 3, 8, 1, 6
Rabbit should be at floor 3, 8, 1, 6
Dragon should be at floor 2, 7, 5, 10
Snake should be at floor 2, 7, 3, 8

Horse should be at floor 2, 7, 3, 8
Goat should be at floor 2, 7, 5, 10
Monkey should be at floor 5, 10, 4, 9
Cock should be at floor 5, 10, 4, 9
Dog should be at floor 2, 7, 5, 10
Pig should be at floor 4, 9, 1, 6 

Fengshui (

Monday, May 20, 2024

比星座還準的生肖大配對 !真的超準啦~

【12生肖配對】 貴人組合:三合、六合 不好的組合:六沖、六害、相刑、自刑 三合組合 12地支共有四組吉配。 【鼠】三合 --- 龍、猴 【牛】三合 --- 蛇、雞 【虎】三合 --- 馬、狗 【兔】三合 --- 羊、豬 【龍】三合 --- 鼠、猴 【蛇】三合 --- 牛、雞 【馬】三合 --- 虎、狗 【羊】三合 --- 兔、豬 【猴】三合 --- 鼠、龍 【雞】三合 --- 牛、蛇 【狗】三合 --- 馬、虎 【豬】三合 --- 兔、羊 六合組合 六合是暗中幫助你的貴人。六合不是六個生肖組成。而是六組貴人。 【鼠】【牛】,為一組貴人 【虎】【豬】,為一組貴人 【兔】【狗】,為一組貴人 【龍】【雞】,為一組貴人 【蛇】【猴】,為一組貴人 【馬】【羊】,為一組貴人
--不好的組合以下- 六害 是指六對屬相之間的五行克害,程度比六沖稍差 【鼠】【羊】 相害 【牛】【馬】 相害 【虎】【蛇】 相害 【兔】【龍】 相害 【猴】【豬】 相害 【雞】【狗】 相害 相刑 傳統上認為 刑的力度要比沖害大一些。比喻起來, 如果說沖只是吵嘴,害就是傷害,那刑則是動手打架了。 【鼠】、【兔】 相刑,為無禮之刑。 【虎】、【蛇】、【猴】,相刑,為恃勢之刑。 【牛】、【羊】、【狗】,相刑,為無恩之刑。 上述這三種刑克,都是婚配中的忌諱 自刑 四組自刑 自刑就是自己與自己過不去,比如說屬【豬】人再逢亥豬年, 就會遇到自傷。具體到婚配上來講,就是這四組相同屬相的人,不適合在一起,否則會 “自相殘殺”。 【龍】【龍】 【馬】【馬】 【雞】【雞】 【豬】【豬】

Saturday, May 11, 2024


十二生肖對應的守護神: 1.生肖「鼠」:千手千眼 觀音菩薩 2.生肖「牛」、「虎」:虛空藏菩薩 3.生肖「兔」:文殊菩薩 4.生肖「龍」、「蛇」:普賢菩薩
5.生肖「馬」:大勢至菩薩 6.生肖「羊」、「猴」:大日如來 7.生肖「雞」:不動明王 8.生肖「狗」、「豬」:阿彌陀佛

Friday, May 10, 2024

Saturday, April 20, 2024


2024年4月運勢-精打細算 有點難度唷。靈數流年 喵喵大師 生命靈數

Calculate liu nian.
Your date of birth plus the year u want to calculate. Eg 2024
Add date of birth plus 2024=

【生命靈數的計算方式】 請將西元的出生年月日,每個數字都視為單一數字,重複加到個位數字出現為止。例如: 1987/8/7=1+9+8+7+8+7=40,4+0=4,生命靈數=4,4號人。 2000/2/2=2+2+2=6,生命靈數=6,6號人。

生命靈數 主題數1:影響9年大運,新手上路怎麼辦。喵喵大師 S14ep1

0:00 預告 0:24 九年大運-主題數1 2:54 最辛苦的新手開局 4:52 好一點的新手上路 7:01 最輕鬆的新手上路 9:12 主宰九年大運的隱藏秘技

生命靈數 主題數2:九年大運的磨合試煉。喵喵大師 S14ep2

Liu nian no.2

0:00 預告 0:9 九年大運-主題數2 3:07 最辛苦的新手開局 5:08 好一點的新手上路 7:19 最輕鬆的新手上路 9:31 主宰九年大運的隱藏秘技

Monday, April 15, 2024

House Wealth Position Fengshui

#李居明吉祥密碼 掛葫蘆可化解病症!新春如何貼福可轉運生財?#香港v

一組好葫蘆一家好風水!好運風水製造 福祿葫蘆解析【命理大師 簡少年】



Chinese New Year  First Day Do and Don`t!!!

Timing 14.37

Cannot lose temper or scold people(Must have a happy environment)
Do not take medicine if possible
Do not spend money or lent /borrow money
Do not use scissors(gossip or xiao ren)
Do not throw rubbish

Do not beat children or animal
Do not use broom
Do not wish people happy new year if the person is still in bed.
Do not ask people to wake up or wake up late

Sunday, April 14, 2024




黄十林讲解什么是生基风水 Sheng Ji Feng Shui by Master Wong


【#靈異錯別字 126】謝霆鋒"種生基"續命 "有錢人"的風水法術?!

【54大來賓|許聖梅|種生基】主持大哥跌谷底得怪病 "種生基"後轉運再起|三立新聞台

何鴻燊續命花500萬「騙過閻王」? 揭東方邪術種生基延壽到98歲內幕?【57新聞王】

熱線追蹤 2012-08-13 pt.3/5 苗蠱/生基


Sheng Ji explained

造【生基】,到底有沒有效?中國五術教育協會全國總會「名師講座」 - 詹順榮老師

(128) 九九安詹順榮老師 - YouTube

【台灣好神氣】七星山姜太公生基燈太神奇!揭開政商名流轉運致富秘招!!這個方法!不發也難!!!【 陽明山姜太公道場 】

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


奇门遁甲 通过改变环境来克服困难 02:00 内容:宫(舞台) 干、门、星、神(演员) 按照一定次序依次填满9宫,中间宫不用。周围8宫,每个宫都含有6个符号,其中宫永远不变,干门星神5个符号是永远在变动的,当给一个精确的时间时则确定。 05:42 如何解决最大困难 宫→空 干→刑、墓、庚 门→迫 神→虎 六害 击刑>一切 宫干门星神 天干>一切 解决击刑天干是第一要务 08:27 解局 灭象 (一方位)除掉对应的形象 布阵 (多方位)放置对应的形象 换局 (整个局)换成另一个更好的局 11:23 灭象 方位上南下北 只灭能灭的象,别考虑动不了的东西 先灭最显眼的,事情严重可以全消灭 相信自己直觉,遵循原理你说了就算 奇门遁甲核心 六要 9宫10干8门9星8神 六害 刑墓庚虎迫空 解法 灭象 布阵 换局 17:40 起局 蒜皮小事不起局 心乱如麻不起局 害人害己不起局 利我利他可起局 心念纯一才起局 绝境求生必起局 一事只起一局,事无变化不起新局 起局前 面向北方,点头示意(也可鞠躬或作揖) 打开手机,APP起局 选择 置闰+转盘 念 所有符号,听我号令。世间万象,助我性命。临兵斗者皆阵列前行。 搜索范围 整个家+常用房间 移动后 尽量别再碰它,绝不能拿回原位 继续生活,等待变化 结束后 必须封局,想一想任一位中国英雄,删掉遁甲局 29:30 十天干的性质 甲:亮绿,硬木 乙:暗绿,软植 丙:大红,灯光 丁:暗红,尖刺 戊:棕黄,容器 己:暗黄,弯曲 庚:亮白,金属 辛:金黄,首饰 壬:亮蓝,净水


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

最容易招鬼的5種房子!可怕的北部鬧鬼大樓,真實鬼故事 | 老王說



1.健康是生命的烈火🔥. 2.淨水深流、和光同塵、解讀天機、內斂精神. 3.每日堅持靜的修煉,開啟身心靜默節能模式. 4.珍愛自己的能量場. 5.凝聚注意力,聚焦意識,全力以赴投入你所熱愛的事業中. 6.用心創作. 7.將聖賢智慧轉化為實際行動力. 8.學會臣服. 9.簡化慾望. 10.對自己負起全責. 11.修德為人生所要之務.