Monday, January 31, 2022

【灵异事之真人篇】坟 中 钉

Evil fengshui!

管用老师2022壬寅年年运推演视频【完整版】-Year of Tiger 2022: Chinese Horoscope and Annual ...

管用老师 doesn`t believe in yearly chinese horoscope prediction for all people. 

He stress that 八字 consist of 8 character and chinese horoscope is only 1/8 of bazi so he doesn`t believe in yearly chinese horoscope prediction`s accuracy!

年柱 Father and mother
月柱  Brothers and sisters
日柱  Self 
时柱 Son and daughter

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

#管用老师 风水俗语:“宁可青龙高万丈,不喜白虎抬头望”,说的是什么意思?看完你就明白了!





3 or more of the same positive stars is bad!





陈仲凯 - YouTube

Saturday, January 22, 2022


484  绝命绝命=court case, rash personality

464  祸害祸害=Gossip, quarrel, sickness

292 六煞六煞=Fail relationship, 烂桃花

797 五鬼五鬼=Cannot keep wealth, accident

Bad luck again and again!!!!!

1. Identify card 

2. Handphone number

3.Car plate number

4. House unit number 

Bad luck number combination!

东西方数字命理 - YouTube

Car owners should avoid these items

Monday, January 17, 2022


【梁大师讲八字十神“食神”(2)】21-06-2021 Seminar (讲座) - KX Master Neo [梁賑彏(正觉)风水命理大师)...

买八字命盘 $10.70

To find your wealth star, first find your element.
eg you are earth element, just check 2 elements down and you find your wealth star which is water element.

If you are wood element, your wealth star is earth element.
If you are water element, your wealth star is fire element.

The shortest way to find your wealth star below.

If you are wood element, your wealth star is earth element.
If you are gold element, your wealth star is wood element.


●木克土 ●土克水 ●水克火 ●火克金 ●金克木

Toa Payoh Branch: 600 Lorong 4 Toa Payoh #03-01A Singapore 319515
Tel : 6452 2137 / 6443 2137 Website: Join our facebook page: Master Justin Neo:

周易命学,八字命理系列,《命理解读人生》34: 改运, 改命, 造命


Tuesday, January 4, 2022


4 signs of a good fengshui house!

1. During winter, the trees and plants in your house wither slower than the plants and trees in your area. This shows that your house have strong life force! Occupants in this house will be healthy.

2. The area in front of your house have many people passing by often and no one in your family have quarrel or argument with anyone! This show that the house have good harmony qi or life force! Occupants in this house will be  prosperous and have many gui ren `s help.

3. Children like to play around your house. Children are pure in heart and are sensitive to energy forces.
 This show that the house will be prosperous for the occupants.

4. Animals like to enter your house. Animals are sensitive to energy forces and like to stay in a place with good energy. This house have good fengshui.


怎樣的大門才能招財?【風水擺正正 第一集】拿督鄭博見 DAC

開門見到這種煞 大凶!【風水擺正正 第二集】拿督鄭博見 DAC

小心地雷!【風水擺正正 第三集】拿督鄭博見 DAC