Sunday, December 18, 2022


Handphone numbers to avoid

Last 3/4 digits
破财, jail, can't save money
312, 321, 8122,
3211, 3102, 4201, 8152, 3251, 6559, 796, 7966, 7906, 

Serious sickess, failed investment, court case, gossip, xiao ren.
4609, 4659, 956, 984, 684, 648, 989, 0698, 0689, 6988, 1844, 6488

易學知識:八星數字識人-破財 家外有家的組合。

301 318 310 103

608 680 681 863 806

409 490 904 

207 270 702

Above number are Tian Yi numbers, if 0 is at last digit position is worst.

 It means emptyness or lose everything in the end!

If above number appear in your

 Handphone number(last 3 digits is worst)

 House telephone number(last 3 digits is worst)

House unit number

IC number(last 3 digits is worst)

Do pay attention to : Wealth is trapped in investment, hidden tao hua or hidden relationship, strong lan tao hua, another family not known to your present family, 3rd party in relationship, 破财



Last 3 digits of your hp number 318 is very bad luck!

Money can`t be saved, 破财, bad things will happen when you have money and the money will be spent, relationship will be bad, break up or divorce or one party might have serious sickness like stroke, high blood pressure, blood clot in brain.

 Female might have miscarriage, men prone to sickness, have 3rd party in your relationship, 


Lan tao hua number with zero is very bad.

1066, 10061, 601
704, 407
803, 308, 8038, 3008, 8003
209, 902, 9029, 2099, 

Strong lan tao hua, 3rd party in relationship, relationship with married people

Be careful of skin problem, digestive problem, mental problem, depression, bipolar disorder, ovary problems, womb problem, growth in breast tissue , gynecological disorders 
Man be careful of prostate problem, urinary problems, kidney problem

Last 2/3 digit of your hanphone number.  Bad luck!

 Spending nunber! Can`t save money! 破财, work hard but income less

18 188 118 181 108 158

81 881 811 818 801 851

79 799 779 709 759 797

97 977 997 907 959 979

19 91 159 951 911 191 1559 9551

87 78 857 758 758 7558 877 887 8557

Handphone/car plate number that are not suitable for female!

This is a female tough, man weak number, female might experience divorce, poor relationship with partner, husband career poor and body weak, female suppress husband career and health, Single female might experience difficulties getting married, 

Handphone and car plate number, avoid these number!

98888 Court case, gossip, xiao ren, quarrel, operation 

18888 Accident, 血光, 破财, 

38888 Depress, mental illness, 

48888 Rash, doesn't care about consequences

17 71 107 701 157 751 1507 7051 711 710 715 1577

89 98 809 908 859 958 

46 64 456 654 

23 32 352 253 203 302 

If above number appear in your

Handphone number(last 3 digits is worst)

 House telephone number(last 3 digits is worst)

House unit number

IC number(last 3 digits is worst)

Be careful of mouth health problems, heart and lung related problems, breathing problems, skin problem, accidents, bloodshed, fat because of too much eating

Gossip,小人xiao ren(villain), court case and gastric problem/digestive problem, poor immune system,  

Fengshui playlist click HERE

Stay away from xiao ren!



2029危機到來?諸葛亮生前唯一留下的預言書,準確率100%!只因為他看破輪迴的規律? | 馬臉姐

Year of the rooster, 2029!  Everything come to an end?
Timing 25.15

古老傳說一一驗證,世界大戰即將發生!巴巴萬加:勝利屬於俄羅斯? | 馬臉姐

Year 2030, The end is here?



Saturday, December 3, 2022


Numbers affects your energy field.

Your energy field affects your thinking and attitude.

Thinking and attitude affects your performance!

Your performance results in your success or failure!

Handphone numbers will affect the energy field around us thus affecting our entire life!

12 horoscope and colour to avoid in year 2023

  Rat must avoid green and 迷彩衣(camouflage green)

牛 Cow must avoid 金银/white colour.

虎 Tiger must avoid gold, silver and white colour.

兔 Rabbit must avoid 金银/white colour.

 龙 Dragon must avoid 金银/white colour.

蛇 Snake must avoid yellow and brown colour.

马 Horse must avoid yellow and brown colour.

羊 Goat must avoid 金银/white colour.

猴 Monkey must avoid blue and black colours

 鸡 Rooster must avoid 金银/white colour.

狗 Dog must avoid 金银/white colour.


猪 Pig must avoid green and 迷彩衣(camouflage green)

12 horoscope lucky colour in year 2023

  Rat can wear blue and black colours for good luck!

牛 Cow can wear red and purple colours for good luck!

虎 Tiger can wear black and blue colour for good luck!

兔 Rabbit can wear blue and black colours for good luck!


 龙 Dragon can wear red and pink colours for good luck!

蛇 Snake can wear white and green colours for good luck!

马 Horse can wear silver and white colours for good luck!

羊 Goat can wear purple and pink colours for good luck!

猴 Monkey can wear gold and white colours for good luck!

鸡 Rooster blue and black colours  for good luck!

狗 Dog can wear pink and red colours  for good luck!

猪 Pig can wear blue and black colours  for good luck!