Wednesday, August 31, 2022

#3分钟学会用 #罗盘 和 iPhone #看风水 #罗盘使用方法 #风水师手中神秘的仪表让人犯晕 #命理玄机



Year 2024-2043
2038, five years before will start to decline.

Middle age women

South position will have good luck.





白羊,狮子和射手属火, 运气更好


Useful video

How to Take Your Compass Reading

Once you are ready to go with your magnetic compass of choice, here are the steps for taking your reading for feng shui purposes.

  1. Stand in the formal front door of your home facing out the door.
  2. Hold the compass flat, so it’s parallel to the floor, pointing out the front door.
  3. Determine what direction you are facing and write down the direction and degrees.
  4. Step back further into the home and take a few more readings. Take at least three readings.
  5. Review and average the readings to determine the magnetic direction and degrees facing out your front door.
  6. It’s helpful to make sure there are no large magnetic or metal objects near you when you take your readings.

After you determine your directions, you can use an accurate floor plan to super-impose eight equal pie pieces. Each pie piece is a sector that relates to a direction for a compass bagua layout. The center of the home will be where all the points of the pie pieces meet. 

  • North sector is Kan, water element
  • Northeast sector is Gen, yang earth element 
  • East sector is Zhen, yang wood element
  • Southeast sector is Xun, yin wood element
  • South sector is Li, fire element
  • Southwest sector is Kun, yin earth element
  • West sector is Dui, yin metal element
  • Northwest sector is Qian, yang metal element
  • North is at 0 degrees. 
  • East is at 90 degrees
  • South is at 180 degrees
  • West is at 270 degrees.

S1 157.6°-172.5° RenBing 壬丙 Kan house 坎宅
S2 172.6°-187.5° ZiWu 子午 Kan house 坎宅
S3 187.6°-202.5° GuiDing 癸丁 Kan house 坎宅

SW1 202.6°-217.5° ChouWei 丑未 Gen house 艮宅
SW2 217.6°-232.5° GenKun 艮坤 Gen house 艮宅
SW3 232.6°-247.5° YinShen 寅申 Gen house 艮宅

W1 247.6°-262.5° JiaGen 甲庚 Zhen house 震宅
W2 262.6°-277.5° MaoYou 卯酉 Zhen house 震宅
W3 277.6°-292.5° YiXin 乙辛 Zhen house 震宅

NW1 292.6°-307.5° ChenXu 辰戌 Xun house 巽宅
NW2 307.6°-322.5° XunQian 巽乾 Xun house 巽宅
NW3 322.6°-337.5° SiHai 巳亥 Xun house 巽宅

N1 337.6°-352.5° BingRen 丙壬 Li house 离宅
N2 352.6°-7.5° WuZi 午子 Li house 离宅
N3 7.6°-22.5° DingGui 丁癸 Li house 离宅

NE1 22.6°-37.5° WeiChou 未丑 Kun house 坤宅
NE2 37.6°-52.5° KunGen 坤艮 Kun house 坤宅
NE3 52.6°-67.5° ShenYin 申寅 Kun house 坤宅

E1 67.6°-82.5° GenJia 庚甲 Tui house 兑宅
E2 82.6°-97.5° YouMao 酉卯 Tui house 兑宅
E3 97.6°-112.5° XinYi 辛乙 Tui house 兑宅

SE1 112.6°-127.5° XuChen 戌辰 Qian house 乾宅
SE2 127.6°-142.5° QianXun 乾巽 Qian house 乾宅
SE3 142.6°-157.5° HaiSi 亥巳 Qian house 乾宅

Check the position of your door.

Of all the 4 gua, only is lucky gua.

, gua not lucky.

gua most unlucky 最凶.

24 Mountains and Compass(Luo Pan) Directions in degrees
Ren (壬) – 337.6 to 352.5 Normal
Zi (子) – 352.6 to 7.5 Lucky 
Gui (癸) – 7.6 to 22.5 bad luck 
Chou (丑) – 22.6 to 37.5 Normal
Gen (艮) – 37.6 to 52.5 
最凶 (Most bad luck)
Yin (寅) – 52.6 to 67.5 Bad luck  
Jia (甲) – 67.6 to 82.5 Normal
Mao (卯) – 82.6 to 97.5 bad luck 
Yi (乙) – 97.6 to 112.5 Normal
Chen (辰) – 112.6 to 127.5 lucky 
Xun (巽) – 127.6 to 142.5 Bad luck 
Si (巳) – 142.6 to 157.5 Normal
Bing (丙) – 157.6 to 172.5 M
ost lucky position for business 大吉
Wu (午) – 172.6 to 187.5 bad luck 
Ding (丁) – 187.6 to 202.5 Normal 2nd good.
Wei (未) – 202.6 to 217.5 Normal

Kun (坤) – 217. to 232.5 bad luck 
Shen (申) – 232.6 to 247.5 normal
Geng (庚) – 247.6 to 262.5 Lucky 
You (酉) – 262.6 to 277.5 bad luck 
Xin (辛) – 277.6 to 292.5 Normal
Xu (戌) – 292.6 to 307.5 Normal
Qian (乾) – 307.6 to 322.5 Lucky 
Hai (亥) – 322.6 to 337.5 Normal

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

【有易问答】第十八期 房屋门对门风水禁忌 教你真正化解方法

【有易问答】LIVE 精华版 Ep023 – 妈妈跌倒骨折,休养了2个月但双脚无力,还可以怎么加强风水呢?

【有易问答】LIVE 精华版 Ep029 – 把物品摆放在看不到的橱窗里,还会有风水吉凶作用吗?

【有易问答】第十期 化解风水问题 - 乾卦方被火克化解物该如何摆放?

【有易问答】第五期 床位睡觉的时候,双脚向着厕所会有问题吗?

【有易问答】第四期 家中两个五黄位?母亲确诊肠癌?怎么办!?

【有易问答】第六期 选大吉的电话号码要以什么标准?

Playlist click HERE

《命运 . 应运》LIVE丨太极图里的【阴阳】两面对立关系到底给了我们什么人生启示 ?

《易经》让黃有易老师一一为你分析人性五行 水(挑战性)!

【有易问答】第二十五期 风水格局,水火不相容!


【有易问答】第二十六期 运用风水调理的方式来帮助改善强迫症!

乾(North West(Gold)


Gold element = Grey colour
Wood element=Blue colour
Water element=Black colour
Earth element=Brown colour
Fire Element=Red colour

Sunday, August 28, 2022

【有易问答】LIVE 精华版 Ep024 – 如何避免遇到官非,遇到钱财骗局呢?

坎(North (Water)
Put bamboo plant inside a black ceramic container. Fill with water and drop 9 gold colour coins inside. Hang a moving clock at north position. 

Year 2024 to year 2043 is 离(South(Fire)
Must take be careful of eyes and heart problems.
Must improve on marketing for those who are doing business.



No hanging clock in bed room.

Round shape clock is suitable, odd shape clock must avoid.

Pendulum clock is only suitable for large house!


【有易问答】第十九期 寻找什么坐向的房子是最好的?

【有易问答】LIVE 精华版 Ep045 – 大门进来看到厕所或房间会影响风水吗?

The secret behind fengshui and numbers are energies!

 Energies will affect all human being regardless of who you are and whether you believe in energies or not.

【I Ching,FengShui】「易经今」-家居风水教程2-揭秘骗局:那些风水骗子的吉祥物真的能带来吉祥吗?风水等级的认知误区!

《命运 . 应运》LIVE丨学八字除了学来【算命】,更重要的作用是什么?

Friday, August 26, 2022

有易问答 LIVE 8月16日之专题学习

风水摆设品不仅仅只有风水吉祥物! 其实什么都可以用,就看你懂不懂得用! Timing 122.41

00:00 【有易问答】Intro 12:47 新房正对面有电房,电房尖角面对着新家窗口,是不是尖角煞呢! 19:32 尖角煞不成立,但电房本身在新房对面影响甚大,男主人容易招惹桃花劫! 21:45 再三强调看风水,不用看八字! 27:29 每逢下雨天,就必破财 !? 35:12 凹陷的地影响着屋宅运势,怎么办 !? 42:13 楼梯口面向大门口犯煞漏财,凶宅格局,真的吗? 51:12 屋子两间门对门,会不会有风水问题? 53:21 办公室的复印机,其五行位什么呢? 54:27 屋宅西北方有电房,破财连连,要怎么通关化解呢? 56:56 门开的方向如:蝴蝶门,会有什么风水问题吗?屋宅的坐向重要吗?它会起什么风水作用? 1:03:06 九运即将到来,八运即将退运,那坐北向南的屋子会受到影响吗? 1:08:02 不小心引动五黄位,担心凶煞灾祸,要怎么化解呢? 1:22:41 专题:风水无需吉祥物,物物皆可用!先从家家户户必有的电视机开始!

Playlist click HERE





乾(North West(Gold)

坎(North (Water)

艮(North East(Earth)

震(East (Wood)

巽(South East (Wood)


坤(South West(Earth)


   乾  坎  艮   震  巽  坤 兌

Gold element = Grey colour

Wood element=Blue colour
Water element=Black colour
Earth element=Brown colour
Fire Element=Red colour










  • North sector is Kan, water element
  • Northeast sector is Gen, yang earth element 
  • East sector is Zhen, yang wood element
  • Southeast sector is Xun, yin wood element
  • South sector is Li, fire element
  • Southwest sector is Kun, yin earth element
  • West sector is Dui, yin metal element
  • Northwest sector is Qian, yang metal element
  • North is at 0 degrees. 
  • East is at 90 degrees
  • South is at 180 degrees
  • West is at 270 degrees.
S1 157.6°-172.5° RenBing 壬丙 Kan house 坎宅
S2 172.6°-187.5° ZiWu 子午 Kan house 坎宅
S3 187.6°-202.5° GuiDing 癸丁 Kan house 坎宅

SW1 202.6°-217.5° ChouWei 丑未 Gen house 艮宅
SW2 217.6°-232.5° GenKun 艮坤 Gen house 艮宅
SW3 232.6°-247.5° YinShen 寅申 Gen house 艮宅

W1 247.6°-262.5° JiaGen 甲庚 Zhen house 震宅
W2 262.6°-277.5° MaoYou 卯酉 Zhen house 震宅
W3 277.6°-292.5° YiXin 乙辛 Zhen house 震宅

NW1 292.6°-307.5° ChenXu 辰戌 Xun house 巽宅
NW2 307.6°-322.5° XunQian 巽乾 Xun house 巽宅
NW3 322.6°-337.5° SiHai 巳亥 Xun house 巽宅

N1 337.6°-352.5° BingRen 丙壬 Li house 离宅
N2 352.6°-7.5° WuZi 午子 Li house 离宅
N3 7.6°-22.5° DingGui 丁癸 Li house 离宅

NE1 22.6°-37.5° WeiChou 未丑 Kun house 坤宅
NE2 37.6°-52.5° KunGen 坤艮 Kun house 坤宅
NE3 52.6°-67.5° ShenYin 申寅 Kun house 坤宅

E1 67.6°-82.5° GenJia 庚甲 Tui house 兑宅
E2 82.6°-97.5° YouMao 酉卯 Tui house 兑宅
E3 97.6°-112.5° XinYi 辛乙 Tui house 兑宅

SE1 112.6°-127.5° XuChen 戌辰 Qian house 乾宅
SE2 127.6°-142.5° QianXun 乾巽 Qian house 乾宅
SE3 142.6°-157.5° HaiSi 亥巳 Qian house 乾宅

Fire element items are TV, oven, stoves, induction cooker, air fryer,  microwave and lighting, lamps, candles, fiery paintings or posters.

Television or any other  fire element items  should not be place at the position listed below.

If the tv is placed at 乾(North West(Gold) or 兑(West(Gold) position.

West represent mouth

North west represent father, husband, male elders

The tv which is fire element will counter or burn the gold and cause the following problems such as authority will be taken away, family not peaceful, quarrel among family members, sale people will not be able to convince customer to buy, father or male elders will not have good temper, have poor support from superior /boss, father/ husband/ male elders might have tao hua problem, family members might have mouth ulcer in mouth, skin disease.

If the tv is placed at 震(East (Wood) or 巽(South East (Wood) position, family members will be slack or even lazy.

TV which is fire element will burn wood. 

For management people, they will have problem managing their staffs, for people who are doing invention, their progress will be slow, for business people, the market review of them will be poor, product sale will be poor, elder male or female child might have problem getting marriage, family members do not like to follow procedure or like to take short cut. Some people will suffer from piles, asthma or other breathing problems,

If tv or fire element items are at 坎(North (Water) position, investment, business will be good. 

This north water position represent WEALTH($$$) and lottery luck(偏财) too.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

香港10大惡毒風水蛇陣 肯定有你不瞭解的!為破香港龍脈 中共拿風水做超限戰!風水鬥法的終極秘訣是什麽?


古柏論命: 12生肖的風水佈陣

Useful info

3:33 牛、龍、羊、狗 5:16 蛇、馬

Tiger and rabbit Timing 1.10
Your colour are black, blue and green.
Working table put green plant. Carry black pen.

Male who wants tao hua put green plant potted plant with soil. Yellow soil if possible for tao hua. Good luck alone without tao hua, use water instead of soil.
Female tiger or rabbit can use silver or white colour for better luck.

Ox, dragon, goat and dog. Timing 3.34
Your lucky colours are red and yellow colour .
Red or yellow crystals are useful. Can have 1 red flower and 1 red pen.
For best results combine red and yellow colours
Red packet in wallet will be good.

For males who want tao hua and money, can have 1 moving water box using water pump, no need fish inside.
For female who want tao hua, grow green potted plant with soil.

Snake and horse Timing 5:16
Your lucky colour is red.
Red underwear for men. 
Red underwear and bra for female. 
Green potted plant on working table are good.
Red packet in wallet will be good.

Men who want tao hua can wear silver bracelet on left hand and silver necklace.
Female can wear black and blue clothes. Carry black bag and black pen.

Monkey and rooster Timing 6.33
Your lucky colours are yellow, white and silver
Yellow or white underwear for men. 
Yellow or white underwear and bra for female. 
Men who want tao hua can grow green plant with soil.

Pig and rat Timing 7.48
Your lucky colours are black and blue. White and silver also good.
Green potted plant on working table are good.
Your bed items can use black. Black is most lucky for these horoscopes.

Men who want tao hua can wear red.
Female who want tao hua can wear yellow.

For all horoscopes, your working table must be neat and tidy. Use your lucky colours to help you.
Note: Do not use all 3 of your lucky colours. Just 2 colours will be good.

Tiger best partner is horse.
Tiger avoid dragon, monkey, snake and pig

Goat avoid tiger.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


Important video

Useful videos click HERE


《算命•命理》出生年月日【生辰八字】四柱八字 #shorts

酉位 正西



东北:丑 寅
东南:辰 巳
西南:未 申
西北:戌 亥













