Monday, November 29, 2021

【I Ching,Book of changes】「易经今」-五行“相生相克”你弄懂了吗?八卦与五行是如何对应的?一个视频看明白!

5  elements 五行


Useful info





伤官 work very hard, keep on contributing, 
 劫财 most cunning, when energy strong, con people, when energy weak got conned by people.
七杀 strongest negative star

Can`t be smarter than 伤官
Can`t be sharper than 七杀
Can`t be more cunning than 劫财

In nature, everything must be balanced. Ying and yang must be balanced. Too many of anything is bad!

正财 too many not clever. Rigid and  not flexible. 正财 suppressed 印. Too many 正财 sick/tired,  qualifications not high.

财 many, full of energy. Strong desire for money. Many sources of income. Work too much, tired.

One 正官 is just nice. 3 or more 官 is not 官 anymore. It become 七杀. Many gossips. Situation become bad. 
3 or more 七杀 the worst, all other positive stars also can`t  help. The person is dead. No else matter.

印 represent thinking abilities, learning abilities and qualifications.
Too many 印 is alone. No people to company
印 people many thoughts. Mature early than other people. Incredible thinking that others cannot understand.
枭神 is the 2nd in negative star after 七杀. Too many 枭神 bad.

食神 too many emotional and think too much. 食神 represent money, too many 食神 worry about money.

印 is sickness star
官 is talking star, direct in speech, offend others during speech,

3 or more of any star is bad.

People without the stars below in their bazi!
People without 正财 are fake, like to exaggerate , look down on small money, unable to earn big money, desire higher than heaven, ability is weak, 

People without 七杀 are weak.

Friday, November 26, 2021


從你開始看這支影片的一個月,你的運勢需要注意些什麼呢? 00:00 為什麼要看出生尾數,跟天干有何關係? 02:20 甲年-西元尾數4/5 04:00 乙年-西元尾數6/6 05:09 丙年-西元尾數6/7 05:45 丁年-西元尾數7/8 07:09 戊年-西元尾數8/9 07:58 己年-西元尾數9/0 09:10 庚年-西元尾數0/1 09:50 辛年-西元尾數1/2 11:05 壬年-西元尾數2/3 11:38 癸年-西元尾數3/4


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

辛丑年12生肖 小人退散貴人來秘訣大公開|張明老師|旺好運

三合六合 - 百度文库 (






属鼠;与猴龙为三合,与牛为六合。                 属牛;与蛇鸡为三合,与鼠为六合。
属虎;与马狗为三合,与猪为六合。                 属猪;与兔羊为三合,与虎为六合。
属兔;与猪羊为三合,与狗为六合。                 属狗;与虎马为三合,与兔为六合。
属龙;与猴鼠为三合,与鸡为六合。                 属鸡;与蛇牛为三合,与龙为六合。
属蛇;与鸡牛为三合,与猴为六合。                 属猴;与鼠龙为三合,与蛇为六合。
属马;与狗虎为三合,与羊为六合。                 属羊;与猪兔为三合,与马为六合。




【 鼠】在生肖裏,與鼠最投緣的是牛,其次就是屬猴,屬龍的。與鼠最差的是馬,其次就是屬兔的,羊的,餘下的生肖屬於一般程度,所以最好不要佩戴馬形兔形羊行的開運物。宜佩戴:牛、龍.

【 牛】在生肖裏,與牛最投緣的是鼠,其次就是屬蛇,屬雞的。與牛最差的是馬,其次就是屬狗的,餘下的生肖屬於一般程度,所以最好不要佩戴馬形狗形的開運物。宜佩戴:鼠、鸡.

【 虎】在生肖裏,與虎最投緣的是豬,其次就是屬馬,屬狗的。與虎最差的是猴,其次就是屬蛇的,餘下的生肖屬於一般程度,所以最好不要佩戴猴形蛇形的開運物。宜佩戴:狗、马.

【 兔】在生肖裏,與兔最投緣的是狗,其次就是屬豬,屬羊的。與兔最差的是雞,其次就是屬鼠,龍的,餘下的生肖屬於一般程度,所以最好不要佩戴雞形鼠形龍形的開運物。宜佩戴:狗、羊.

【 龍】在生肖裏,與龍最投緣的是雞,其次就是屬鼠,屬猴的。與龍最差的是狗,其次就是屬兔的,餘下的生肖屬於一般程度,所以最好不要佩戴狗形兔形的開運物。宜佩戴:鸡、鼠.

【 蛇 】在生肖裏,與蛇最投緣的是猴,其次就是屬雞,屬牛的。與蛇最差的是豬,其次就是屬虎的,餘下的生肖屬於一般程度,所以最好不要佩戴豬形虎形的開運物。宜佩戴:牛、鸡.

【 馬】在生肖裏,與馬最投緣的是羊,其次就是屬虎,屬狗的。與馬最差的是鼠,其次就是屬牛的,餘下的生肖屬於一般程度,所以最好不要佩戴鼠形牛形的開運物。宜佩戴:羊、虎、狗.


【 猴 】在生肖裏,與猴最投緣的是蛇,其次就是屬鼠,屬龍的。與猴最差的是虎,其次就是屬豬的,餘下的生肖屬於一般程度,所以最好不要佩戴虎形豬形的開運物。宜佩戴:龙、鼠.

【 雞 】在生肖裏,與雞最投緣的是龍,其次就是屬蛇,屬牛的。與雞最差的是兔,其次就是屬狗的,餘下的生肖屬於一般程度,所以最好不要佩戴兔形狗形的開運物。宜佩戴:龙、牛.

【 狗 】在生肖裏,與狗最投緣的是兔,其次就是屬馬,屬虎的。與狗最差的是龍,其次就是屬雞,羊,牛的,餘下的生肖屬於一般程度,所以最好不要佩戴龍形雞形羊形牛形的開運物。宜佩戴:兔、马、虎.

【 豬 】在生肖裏,與豬最投緣的是虎,其次就是屬兔,屬羊的。與豬最差的是蛇,其次就是屬猴的,餘下的生肖屬於一般程度,所以最好不要佩戴蛇形猴形的開運物。宜佩戴:羊、兔、虎.




















12生肖投資理財旺大法 |風水命學楊登嵙老師|旺好運

Dragon born people can carry long yin coins or Pi Xiu 貔貅



The above info can be used in any year! There is no change!

Rat born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 5 Month.

Cow born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 10 Month.

Tiger born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 3 and 9 Month.

Rabbit born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 6 and 12 Month.

Dragon born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 11 Month.

Snake born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 8 Month.

Horse born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 7 Month.

Sheep born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 8 Month.

Monkey born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 1 Month.

Rooster born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 2 Month.

Dog born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 11 Month.

Pig born people better 4 d luck in chinese calendar 4 Month.

發大財啦! 有財有庫 12生肖金錢術| 測字達人張明老師 | 旺好運

Sunday, November 21, 2021




民俗知识与禁忌: 印名片上的风水忌讳


To overcome unlucky unit number!



臥室門上掛一物,乞丐也會變富豪,越住越有錢!# 大有玄機


Thursday, November 18, 2021

買新房子前,先看門向最重要嗎?Is Facing Direction of Main Door Most Important For A New...

Fengshui remedies for missing area.

Main door fengshui

No broom or dustbin to be seen when entering main door
No storage items or empty boxes near main door
No shoes or slippers outside main door
No mirror facing main door
No clock or watch facing main door

Sleeping position, head cannot face North position


Handphone number can affect your entire life!

Lucky handphone number and wealth

Handphone will affect your entire life

Change to jue ming hp number and lose entire jewel shop

Jue ming number is cancer number

Lucky handphone no. can change your life

Lucky handphone no. and job promotion

Handphone and relationship

The teacher claim he change hp no. for 50 over countries 

The teacher claim he is the best when it comes to change hp no.

Above video all here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Fengshui and numbers. 
Straight to numbers timing 16.47

人的十年大运=10 years each cycle

Sunday, November 7, 2021


红鸾星 is love/marriage star.

Born in year of rat will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the rabbit.
People born during rat year and 5am to 7am will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.
方 90 degree is your 红鸾星 position.

Born in year of ox will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the Tiger.
People born during ox year and 3am to 5am will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.
  is your  红鸾星 position.

Born in year of tiger will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the ox.
People born during tiger year and 1am to 3am will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.

Born in year of rabbit will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the rat .
People born during rabbit  year and 11pm to 1am will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.
方  is your  红鸾星 position.

Born in year of dragon will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the  pig.
People born during dragon  year and 9pm to 11pm will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.

Born in year of snake will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the  dog.
People born during snake year and 7pm to 9pm will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.

Born in year of horse will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the  rooster.
People born during horse year and 5pm to 7pm will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.

Born in year of  goat will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the monkey.
People born during goat year and 3pm to 5pm will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.
西方  is your  红鸾星 position. 

Born in year of monkey will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the goat  .
People born during  year and 1pm to 3pm will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.
西方  is your  红鸾星 position.

Born in year of rooster will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the horse.
People born during rooster  year and 11am to 1pm will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.

Born in year of dog will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the snake.
People born during dog  year and 9am to 11am will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.
 方  is your  红鸾星 position.

Born in year of pig will have 红鸾星  luck in year of the dragon.
People born during pig  year and 7am to 9am will have 红鸾星 in their bazi.

Promote love luck for female

【精華版】感情傷心又傷身 會被桃花煞折磨的女人



Lottery, 4d wealth


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