Feng Shui And Indian Fengshui (Vastu Shastra),Chinese horoscope and how people or objects of different horoscope affects you! 十二生肖開運法 Unless you cultivated very well, no one can escape from the effects of fengshui or Vastu! 一命二运三风水,四积阴德,五读书,六名,七相,八敬神,九交贵人,十养生,十一择偶与择业,十二趋吉要避凶, 十三逢苦要无怨 十四不固执善恶 十五荣光因缘来!
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Middle age women
Once you are ready to go with your magnetic compass of choice, here are the steps for taking your reading for feng shui purposes.
- Stand in the formal front door of your home facing out the door.
- Hold the compass flat, so it’s parallel to the floor, pointing out the front door.
- Determine what direction you are facing and write down the direction and degrees.
- Step back further into the home and take a few more readings. Take at least three readings.
- Review and average the readings to determine the magnetic direction and degrees facing out your front door.
- It’s helpful to make sure there are no large magnetic or metal objects near you when you take your readings.
After you determine your directions, you can use an accurate floor plan to super-impose eight equal pie pieces. Each pie piece is a sector that relates to a direction for a compass bagua layout. The center of the home will be where all the points of the pie pieces meet.
- North sector is Kan, water element
- Northeast sector is Gen, yang earth element
- East sector is Zhen, yang wood element
- Southeast sector is Xun, yin wood element
- South sector is Li, fire element
- Southwest sector is Kun, yin earth element
- West sector is Dui, yin metal element
- Northwest sector is Qian, yang metal element
- North is at 0 degrees.
- East is at 90 degrees
- South is at 180 degrees
- West is at 270 degrees.
S2 172.6°-187.5° ZiWu 子午 Kan house 坎宅
S3 187.6°-202.5° GuiDing 癸丁 Kan house 坎宅
SW1 202.6°-217.5° ChouWei 丑未 Gen house 艮宅
SW2 217.6°-232.5° GenKun 艮坤 Gen house 艮宅
SW3 232.6°-247.5° YinShen 寅申 Gen house 艮宅
W1 247.6°-262.5° JiaGen 甲庚 Zhen house 震宅
W2 262.6°-277.5° MaoYou 卯酉 Zhen house 震宅
W3 277.6°-292.5° YiXin 乙辛 Zhen house 震宅
NW1 292.6°-307.5° ChenXu 辰戌 Xun house 巽宅
NW2 307.6°-322.5° XunQian 巽乾 Xun house 巽宅
NW3 322.6°-337.5° SiHai 巳亥 Xun house 巽宅
N1 337.6°-352.5° BingRen 丙壬 Li house 离宅
N3 7.6°-22.5° DingGui 丁癸 Li house 离宅
NE1 22.6°-37.5° WeiChou 未丑 Kun house 坤宅
NE2 37.6°-52.5° KunGen 坤艮 Kun house 坤宅
NE3 52.6°-67.5° ShenYin 申寅 Kun house 坤宅
E1 67.6°-82.5° GenJia 庚甲 Tui house 兑宅
E2 82.6°-97.5° YouMao 酉卯 Tui house 兑宅
E3 97.6°-112.5° XinYi 辛乙 Tui house 兑宅
SE1 112.6°-127.5° XuChen 戌辰 Qian house 乾宅
SE2 127.6°-142.5° QianXun 乾巽 Qian house 乾宅
SE3 142.6°-157.5° HaiSi 亥巳 Qian house 乾宅
Check the position of your door.
Of all the 4 gua, only 乾 is lucky gua.
坤, 巽 gua not lucky.
艮 gua most unlucky 最凶.
Ren (壬) – 337.6 to 352.5 Normal
Zi (子) – 352.6 to 7.5 Lucky 吉
Gui (癸) – 7.6 to 22.5 bad luck 凶
Chou (丑) – 22.6 to 37.5 Normal
Gen (艮) – 37.6 to 52.5 最凶 (Most bad luck)
Mao (卯) – 82.6 to 97.5 bad luck 凶
Yi (乙) – 97.6 to 112.5 Normal
Chen (辰) – 112.6 to 127.5 lucky 吉
Xun (巽) – 127.6 to 142.5 Bad luck 薇凶
Bing (丙) – 157.6 to 172.5 Most lucky position for business 大吉
Wu (午) – 172.6 to 187.5 bad luck 凶
Ding (丁) – 187.6 to 202.5 Normal 2nd good.
Wei (未) – 202.6 to 217.5 Normal
Kun (坤) – 217. to 232.5 bad luck 薇凶
Geng (庚) – 247.6 to 262.5 Lucky 吉
You (酉) – 262.6 to 277.5 bad luck 凶
Xin (辛) – 277.6 to 292.5 Normal
Xu (戌) – 292.6 to 307.5 Normal
Qian (乾) – 307.6 to 322.5 Lucky 吉
Hai (亥) – 322.6 to 337.5 Normal
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
【有易问答】第二十六期 运用风水调理的方式来帮助改善强迫症!
Sunday, August 28, 2022
【有易问答】LIVE 精华版 Ep024 – 如何避免遇到官非,遇到钱财骗局呢?
【有易问答】LIVE 精华版 Ep045 – 大门进来看到厕所或房间会影响风水吗?
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Friday, August 26, 2022
有易问答 LIVE 8月16日之专题学习
坎(☵)North (Water)
艮(☶)North East(Earth)
震(☳)East (Wood)
巽(☴)South East (Wood)
坤(☷)South West(Earth)
乾 | 坎 | 艮 | 震 | 巽 | 離 | 坤 | 兌 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Qian | Kan | Gen | Zhen | Xun | Li | Kun | Dui |
Gold element = Grey colour
兑为少女,所谓的兑三索而的女,故谓之少女。- North sector is Kan, water element
- Northeast sector is Gen, yang earth element
- East sector is Zhen, yang wood element
- Southeast sector is Xun, yin wood element
- South sector is Li, fire element
- Southwest sector is Kun, yin earth element
- West sector is Dui, yin metal element
- Northwest sector is Qian, yang metal element
- North is at 0 degrees.
- East is at 90 degrees
- South is at 180 degrees
- West is at 270 degrees.
S3 187.6°-202.5° GuiDing 癸丁 Kan house 坎宅
SW1 202.6°-217.5° ChouWei 丑未 Gen house 艮宅
SW2 217.6°-232.5° GenKun 艮坤 Gen house 艮宅
SW3 232.6°-247.5° YinShen 寅申 Gen house 艮宅
W1 247.6°-262.5° JiaGen 甲庚 Zhen house 震宅
W2 262.6°-277.5° MaoYou 卯酉 Zhen house 震宅
W3 277.6°-292.5° YiXin 乙辛 Zhen house 震宅
NW1 292.6°-307.5° ChenXu 辰戌 Xun house 巽宅
NW2 307.6°-322.5° XunQian 巽乾 Xun house 巽宅
NW3 322.6°-337.5° SiHai 巳亥 Xun house 巽宅
N1 337.6°-352.5° BingRen 丙壬 Li house 离宅
N3 7.6°-22.5° DingGui 丁癸 Li house 离宅
NE1 22.6°-37.5° WeiChou 未丑 Kun house 坤宅
NE2 37.6°-52.5° KunGen 坤艮 Kun house 坤宅
NE3 52.6°-67.5° ShenYin 申寅 Kun house 坤宅
E1 67.6°-82.5° GenJia 庚甲 Tui house 兑宅
E2 82.6°-97.5° YouMao 酉卯 Tui house 兑宅
E3 97.6°-112.5° XinYi 辛乙 Tui house 兑宅
SE1 112.6°-127.5° XuChen 戌辰 Qian house 乾宅
SE2 127.6°-142.5° QianXun 乾巽 Qian house 乾宅
SE3 142.6°-157.5° HaiSi 亥巳 Qian house 乾宅
Fire element items are TV, oven, stoves, induction cooker, air fryer, microwave and lighting, lamps, candles, fiery paintings or posters.
Television or any other fire element items should not be place at the position listed below.
If the tv is placed at 乾(☰)North West(Gold) or 兑(☱)West(Gold) position.
West represent mouth
North west represent father, husband, male elders
The tv which is fire element will counter or burn the gold and cause the following problems such as authority will be taken away, family not peaceful, quarrel among family members, sale people will not be able to convince customer to buy, father or male elders will not have good temper, have poor support from superior /boss, father/ husband/ male elders might have tao hua problem, family members might have mouth ulcer in mouth, skin disease.
If the tv is placed at 震(☳)East (Wood) or 巽(☴)South East (Wood) position, family members will be slack or even lazy.
TV which is fire element will burn wood.
For management people, they will have problem managing their staffs, for people who are doing invention, their progress will be slow, for business people, the market review of them will be poor, product sale will be poor, elder male or female child might have problem getting marriage, family members do not like to follow procedure or like to take short cut. Some people will suffer from piles, asthma or other breathing problems,
If tv or fire element items are at 坎(☵)North (Water) position, investment, business will be good.
This north water position represent WEALTH($$$) and lottery luck(偏财) too.
Thursday, August 25, 2022
古柏論命: 12生肖的風水佈陣
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Sunday, August 21, 2022
Saturday, August 20, 2022
Friday, August 19, 2022
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
《算命•命理》出生年月日【生辰八字】四柱八字 #shorts
酉位 正西
东北:丑 寅
东南:辰 巳
西南:未 申
西北:戌 亥