Friday, May 26, 2023



(91) 吳尚易® - YouTube

這是可以免費看的嗎?手機號碼是如何影響你的生活【命理研究所#1】命理大師 簡少年

Zi wei Dou Shu

Watch above video and refer to  for easy reference!

忌(Con) refers to avoid or taboo(禁忌, 忌讳, 避讳,)

The more the same digit appear, the more obvious, the results will be.

甲(3) 廉貞 化祿 太陽 化忌 7:07

乙(8) 天機 化祿 太陰 化忌 8:12

丙(2) 天同 化祿 廉貞 化忌 8:54

丁(7) 太陰 化祿 巨門 化忌 9:36

戊(0) 貪狼 化祿 天機 化忌 10:22

己(5) 武曲 化祿 文曲 化忌 11:02

庚(4) 太陽 化祿 天同 化忌 11:39

辛(9) 巨門 化祿 文昌 化忌 12:26

壬(1) 天粱 化祿 武曲 化忌 13:02

癸(6) 破軍 化祿 貪狼 化忌 13:40

6 digits of handphone number
Singapore +65 123456XX
Malaysia +60 1123456XX

1=Your entire life 
2=Relationship between business partner, colleagues and friends
3=Your love and work life
4=Relationship with your children, family and your house
5=Your wealth and mental health
6=Your health and relationship with your parents

1=命遷線:命的核心和出外的狀態 2=兄友線:合作夥伴、同事、朋友之間的關係 3=夫官線:愛情、工作狀態 4=子田線:小孩、家、房子的關係 5=財福線:財運、精神狀況 6=父疾線:身體健康狀況、父母之間的關係

祿=Pro- refers to the salary.  As such, the Lu star is the star of prosperity, rank, and influence and success!
祿=Money, earth, morning, children, hope, happy, plenty, easy, expand, 

紫微手机号码合盘 (



不要不信邪!這些事千萬不要做!【命運設計系#57】命理大師 簡少年

Avoid 丙 day for me! Timing 6.33


心事埋藏、自我吸收、醋勁強、敏感,中段挫折、意外、官非、血光、癌症 (jealous, inherited diseases)

Related to law, court case, paper contract, blood line(relatives), tumor, must abide by law to be safe,

Life is about choice. Doing good deeds or doing evil deeds.

The life of a very kind person or evil person is always changing because of the good or evil deeds they do will results in good or bad karma changing their life for the better or worst in time to come!

化科=Good reputation

化祿=Money, enjoyment

化權=High rank, authority, performance

化忌= Not smooth, trouble

廉貞 at it`s worst represent distorted, evil, gossip and villain!
廉貞 is 丁火 star
化忌星 is water star
廉貞化忌 is fire and water clash



Car/vehicle plate number

Feng Shui 风水 Universal Energy And 玄学五术: 命理知識:單身的看過來,教大家如何提升自己的桃花運! (


年柱=天干(Grandfather) 地支 (Grandmother)

月柱=天干(Father) 地支 (Mother)

日柱=天干(Self) 地支 (Husband or Wife)


Check marriage or your relationship with anyone u want to know!

Use only english calendar date. Time of birth not needed!

八字中天干地支的合化關係 (


Check both persons 主 (天干地支) against the chart above!

天干=甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸 (5 element)

地支=子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥 (12 horoscope animals)

First check your 天干 against his/her 天干 and see it match or crash. If not in the chart, it means neutral.

In detail, 天干=甲木乙木丙火丁火戊土己土庚金辛金壬水癸水

Second check your 地支 against his/her 地支 and see it match or crash. If not in the chart, it means neutral.

In detail, 地支=子水丑土寅木卯木辰土巳火午火未土申金酉金、戌土、亥水

The method above can be used to calculate your relationship with anyone as long as you have their date of birth!

Your wife/husband, parents, siblings, relatives, friends, boss, colleagues or business partner etc!

Zi Wei Dou Shu 紫微数字吉凶 (

Feng Shui 风水 Universal Energy And 玄学五术! 知命运命, 才能做到趋吉避凶!: 命理知識:單身的看過來,教大家如何提升自己的桃花運! (

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Every day number you get will tell you about your present luck

 (11) 如何简单透过数字检测自己磁场 #磁场 #数字 #数字能量 #赵建颖 #ewinchew #易经 #易经数字 #数字易经 #数字磁场 #奇门数字 #奇门遁甲 #奇门 #能量 #好运 - YouTube

3913, 3494, 3135 Good luck

3816, 1683, 3835 Bad luck

Liu sha eg 16 represent digestive problems

Yan nian eg 19 represent bone problems
Wu gui eg 18 represent heart and blood pressure problems.

















17/71 89/98 Poor health and concentration!

18/81 79/97 Fickle-mindedness, affects decision making!

186, 189, 180, 188, bad luck.

12/21 96/69 Poor financial management, loss of wealth!

12 Many 四非, car prone to scratch, accident, 

21, 120, 112, can`t save, keep on spending, like investment, lost in investment, 

(16)一个人的手机号真的能判断吉凶吗?#数字易经 #易经 #易经的智慧 #风水 #财富 #贵人 #人缘 #数字易经 #生命密码 #生肖 #星座 #... | TikTok

Liu sha+ wu gui combination. Attractive woman

Lan tao hua number, attract many men, attractive female. Especially in last 3 digits of hp no. 

129, 216, 692, 961

旺夫 woman number to look out for

139, 314, 682, 867, 413, 941, 276, 128, 

13, 31, 68, 86

邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

#手机号码吉凶 | TikTok


圆滑, good at communicating, 机灵, fast reaction, 

183, 816, 792, 974

361, 638, 247, 249

邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

Bad for children numbers! Huo hai

Like to talk back, hot temper, like to tell lies, quarrel easily, 爱面子

Like to enjoy good food, prone to get fat, greedy for food!





邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

Tough woman number

196, 912, 784, 873

348, 437, 269, 621

邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

Bad for children numbers! Wu gui





聪明, cunning, sleep late, full of changes, like to dream

邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

mingyitang (@mingyitang) | TikTok

Bad for children numbers! Jue Ming





Don`t listen to family members, trust friends more than family members, hot temper, easily angry, 性格直.

邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

Jue Ming info

(16)邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

(16)邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

Wu gui info

(16)邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

手機號碼數字能量自測 (@jieyoutang04) | TikTok

Huo hai  info

(16)邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

(16)邢晓淇 (@xiaoqi2768) | TikTok

Handphone number last 3 digit is 0


Can`t earn money.

(16)Ewin 赵建颖 (@ewinchew) | TikTok

#手机号码吉凶 | TikTok

Handphone number last 3 digit is 1


Relax and not hardworking attitude! 

Find '手机号码尾数第三位' on TikTok | TikTok Search

Handphone number last 3 digit is 2


Must be flexible and adapt to changes in order earn money

Find '手机号码尾数第三位' on TikTok | TikTok Search

Handphone number last 3 digit is 3


Find '手机号码尾数第三位' on TikTok | TikTok Search

Handphone number last 3 digit is 4


Can`t express your view well, conservative person. Must improve on these 2 weakness.

(41) 手机号码倒数第三位是4号原来要加强这个能力 #手机号码 #开运 #易经 #易经数字 #赵建颖 #ewinchew #数字易经 #数字易经 #数字磁场 #名人 #奇门数字 #数字 #教育 #奇门遁甲 - YouTube

Handphone number last 3 digit is 6


Open minded, open to new ideas!

#手机号码吉凶 | TikTok

Handphone number last 3 digit is 8


Must think how to improve business, increase profit, 

(41) 手机号码尾数倒数第三位 8 号要做好这个 #手机号码 #开运 #易经 #易经数字 #赵建颖 #ewinchew #数字易经 #数字能量 #数字磁场 #网红 #名人 #老师 #教育 #奇门数字 - YouTube

#手机号码吉凶 | TikTok

Handphone number last 3 digit is 9


Good at talking, teaching job, sale job suitable!

#手机号码吉凶 | TikTok

Prone to court case/lawsuit number

Jue ming+ huo hai number

217, 698, 846, 732, 

123, 964, 489

mingyitang (@mingyitang) | TikTok

Lots of Lan Tao Hua

Wu gui + Liu sha

183, 638, 974, 247

792, 429, 816, 361

mingyitang (@mingyitang) | TikTok

Very stubborn, don`t listen to others

191, 919

(16)Ewin 赵建颖 (@ewinchew) | TikTok

Handphone number last 5 digit is 0


No luck, no ()gui ren, 劳碌

(16)Ewin 赵建颖 (@ewinchew) | TikTok

Handphone number last 5 digit is 9


Very concerned about his face(pride), have 权威, 名望, have management skills, capable person, maybe a boss or management staff, can influence others to follow him

(17)#八字命理 #奇門遁甲 #數字易經 #梅花占卜 #姓名學 #桃花 | TikTok

Accident prone car number(wu gui number)



(16)Ewin 赵建颖 (@ewinchew) | TikTok

Last 2 digits hp number to avoid at all cost

姓名手機號自測 (@jieyoutang04) | TikTok

姓名手機號自測 (@jieyoutang04) | TikTok

姓名手機號自測 (@jieyoutang04) | TikTok

Handphone numbers combination to avoid





Couple are apart most of the time! Husband and wife are separated, relationship turn plain, 3rd party in relationship, hidden relationship, 

Easy to divorce hp no.

312, 137, 684, 869, 948, 496, 721, 273

Prone to divorce hp no.

917, 198, 789, 871, 346, 432, 264, 623

Career dropping numbers

161, 816, 618, 616, 974, 479

Lan tao hua numbers

19 91 199 911

78 87 788 877

Not suitable for female hp no. 

Tough woman, hard to find husband, quarrel after marriage, prone to break, affect husband luck, prone to divorce.

177, 711, 899, 988, 644, 466

Prone to gossip hp no.


Hp no. avoid zero. Affect luck and health etc.

812, 218, 817, 718

217, 712, 611, 616, 618, 816

52, 25, 205, 502

Keep losing wealth and bad for health no. (Very bad luck)

107, 701, 1057, 7051, 

809, 908, 9058, 8059,

203, 302, 406, 604

Hp no. have above combination. Prone to sickness.

姓名手機號自測 (@jieyoutang04) | TikTok