Feng Shui And Indian Fengshui (Vastu Shastra),Chinese horoscope and how people or objects of different horoscope affects you! 十二生肖開運法 Unless you cultivated very well, no one can escape from the effects of fengshui or Vastu! 一命二运三风水,四积阴德,五读书,六名,七相,八敬神,九交贵人,十养生,十一择偶与择业,十二趋吉要避凶, 十三逢苦要无怨 十四不固执善恶 十五荣光因缘来!
Monday, July 31, 2023
Saturday, July 29, 2023
玄空风水教学:鲁班尺 Feng Shui
【買房問蘋果】文公尺這樣用 好運來敲門 | 台灣蘋果日報
魯班尺(文公尺)怎麼看?8個魯班尺新手入門小知識 ❙ 鴻慶室內設計
Friday, July 28, 2023
Man beware of 9 Woman beware of 6
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
合盤原來這麼重要?!天造地設的另一半可以這樣找【命運設計系#99】命理大師 簡少年
年柱=天干(Grandfather) 地支 (Grandmother)
月柱=天干(Father) 地支 (Mother)
日柱=天干(Self) 地支 (Husband or Wife)
Check marriage or your relationship with anyone u want to know!
Check both persons 日主 (天干地支) against the chart above!
天干=甲、乙、丙、丁、戊、己、庚、辛、壬、癸 (5 element)
地支=子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥 (12 horoscope animals)
First check your 天干 against his/her 天干 and see it match or crash. If not in the chart, it means neutral.
In detail, 天干=甲木、乙木、丙火、丁火、戊土、己土、庚金、辛金、壬水、癸水
Second check your 地支 against his/her 地支 and see it match or crash. If not in the chart, it means neutral.
In detail, 地支=子水、丑土、寅木、卯木、辰土、巳火、午火、未土、申金、酉金、戌土、亥水
The method above can be used to calculate your relationship with anyone as long as you have their date of birth!
Your wife/husband, parents, siblings, relatives, friends, boss, colleagues or business partner etc!