Tuesday, November 2, 2021


天厨贵 is a lucky star. This star means that  the person will have food to eat for life!

Year of birth last digit is  0.
eg. born in year 1960  1970  1980  1990  2000   2010       
Year of  pig you will have 天厨贵人 luck.
9pm to 11pm is 天厨贵 timing.
If you are born in above mention years and 9pm to 11pm timing, you have 天厨贵人 luck in your bazi.

Year of birth last digit is  1.
eg. born in year 1961  1971  1981  1991  2001   2011       
Year of  rat you will have 天厨贵人 luck.
11pm to 1am is 天厨贵 timing.
If you are born in above mention years and 11pm to 1am timing, you have 天厨贵人 luck in your bazi.
Face  方 at 11pm to 1am, envision good luck or wealth coming to you or at your house`s  方 put some lucky fengshui items to improve your 天厨贵人 luck.

Year of birth last digit is 2.
eg. born in year 1962  1972  1982  1992  2002   2012       
Year of  tiger you will have 天厨贵人 luck.
3am to 5am is 天厨贵 timing.
If you are born in above mention years and 3am to 5am timing, you have 天厨贵人 luck in your bazi.

Year of birth last digit is 3 .
eg. born in year 1963  1973  1983  1993  2003   2013       
Year of  rabbit  you will have 天厨贵人 luck.
5am to 7am is 天厨贵 timing.
If you are born in above mention years and 5am to 7am timing, you have 天厨贵人 luck in your bazi.

Year of birth last digit is 4/6 .
eg. born in year 1964  1974  1984  1994  2004   2014        1966  1976  1986  1996  2006   2016 
Year of  snake  you will have 天厨贵人 luck.
9am to 11am is 天厨贵 timing.
If you are born in above mention years and 9am to 11am timing, you have 天厨贵人 luck in your bazi.

Year of birth last digit is 5/7 .
eg. born in year 1965  1975  1985  1995  2005   2015      eg. born in year 1967  1977  1987  1997  2007   2017  
Year of  horse  you will have 天厨贵人 luck.
11am to 1pm is 天厨贵 timing.
If you are born in above mention years and 11am to 1pm timing, you have 天厨贵人 luck in your bazi.
方 is your 天厨贵人 position.

Year of birth last digit is 8/6 .
eg. born in year 1968  1978  1988  1998  2008   2018 
Year of  monkey you will have 天厨贵人 luck.
3pm to 5pm is 天厨贵 timing.
If you are born in above mention years and 3pm to 5pm timing, you have 天厨贵人 luck in your bazi.

Year of birth last digit is 9 .
eg. born in year 1969  1979  1989  1999  2009   2019 
Year of  rooster you will have 天厨贵人 luck.
5pm to 7pm is 天厨贵 timing.
If you are born in above mention years and 5pm to 7pm timing, you have 天厨贵人 luck in your bazi.

For above persons, from aged 46 and above, if there are no negative things or events to counter their 天厨贵人 luck, they should have good lives until the day they pass away.

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