Monday, November 1, 2021



Year of birth last digit is 4 or 5.
eg. born in year 1964  1974  1965  1975   
Your  太极贵人 is horse or rat
Year of Horse or rat. The people born in above year will have 太极贵人.
正南 180 degree 正北 0 degree are your 太极贵人 position.
Born time is 11am to 1 pm and 11pm to 1 am midnight mean your life have 太极贵.

Year of birth last digit is 6 or 7.
eg. born in year 1966  1976  1986  1977 1987  1997
Your  太极贵人 is rooster or rabbit
Year of rooster or rabbit. The people born in above year will have 太极贵人.
Born time is 5 pm to 7 pm and 5am to 7am midnight mean your life have 太极贵.

Year of birth last digit is 8 or 9.
eg. born in year 1988  1989  1978  1979 1968  1969
Born time is 7am to 9 am and 7pm to 9pm and 1pm to 3pm  and 1am to 3am  mean your life have 太极贵.
西北   西
are the positions for you to find your 太极贵人.

Year of birth last digit is 0 or 1.
eg. born in year 1980  1990  1981  1991
Your  太极贵人 is tiger or pig
Year of tiger or pig. The people born in above year will have 太极贵人.
Born time is 9pm to 11 pm and 3am to 5am mean your life have 太极贵.

Year of birth last digit is 2 or 3.
eg. born in year 1992  1993  1982  1983
Your  太极贵人 is snake or monkey
Year of  snake or monkey. The people born in above year will have 太极贵人.
Born time is 9am to 11 am(snake) and 3pm to 5pm(monkey) mean your life have 太极贵.
Snake position is 南 150 degree. Monkey is 西南 240 degree.

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